Daily greens for vitality in 2025 and beyond. 🚀
3 recipes packed with leafy greens to kickstart your health for the new year!
As we step into a new year, it's the perfect time to prioritize your health and make small, sustainable changes that can have a big impact. One simple yet powerful step is adding more leafy greens to your diet. I’m talking one to three servings (!!) with every meal. It’s a mindful step that can quite literally make you feel like a whole new person.
Packed with essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, greens such as spinach, kale, herbs and swiss chard are nature’s multivitamins. They not only help support your immune system, promote healthy digestion, help you glow from within, but also provide a boost of energy, making it easier to feel your best throughout the day. They’re low in calories and incredibly versatile, so you can easily incorporate them into smoothies, salads, or cooked dishes to fit your lifestyle.
My favorite aspect of adding greens into your diet for every meal of every day is the overwhelming benefit they have on your heart health and overall longevity. They help protect your arteries and are a huge line of defense against heart disease. Last year my dad went through a really scary cardiac event and while thank goodness he’s ok, you better believe that I’ve got him eating greens with every meal! He’s literally shoving raw spinach into his mouth with his coffee and that alone inspired me to write this to show you more delicious options.
Eating more leafy greens isn’t just about getting in your daily dose of nutrients—it’s also about building healthy habits for the long run. By focusing on these nutrient-dense foods, you're nourishing your body with everything it needs to thrive while setting the stage for a year of vitality. Whether you’re looking to boost your metabolism, improve heart health, or simply feel more energized, leafy greens are a great starting point for creating lasting, positive changes in your diet. So, why not start the year with a plate full of greens and give yourself the gift of better health?
Scroll down for 3 amazing leafy green recipes for inspo on how to get your daily dose outside of the norm (or to avoid eating raw spinach like my dad😉).